
  ldconfig命令的用途主要是在默认搜寻目录 /lib/usr/lib 以及动态库配置文件 /etc/ld.so.conf 内所列的目录下,搜索出可共享的动态链接库(格式如 lib*.so*),进而创建出动态装入程序(ld.so)所需的连接(快捷方式)和缓存文件。
  缓存文件默认为 /etc/ld.so.cache,此文件保存已排好序的动态链接库名字列表,为了让动态链接库为系统所共享,需运行动态链接库的管理命令ldconfig,此执行程序存放在 /sbin 目录下。
  ldconfig 只与程序运行时有关(运行时库管理:装载),跟程序构建(编译&链接)一点关系都没有,构建的时候还是该加 -$l$(链接)就得加,不要混淆了。

[0024] Iterative Closest Points(迭代最近点)

ICP 算法简介

  • 点云配准 说起

     Point cloud registration, is the process of finding a spatial transformation that aligns two point clouds. The purpose is to merge point clouds of multiple views into a globally consistent model.
     Iterative Closest Points (ICP) is an algorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points. In the algorithm, target point cloud, is kept fixed, while the other one, the source, is transformed to best match the reference (the target). The algorithm iteratively revises the transformation (combination of translation and rotation) needed to minimize the distance from the source to the reference point cloud.

算法设计与分析[0023] 秋招华为在线笔试

  昨晚华为在线笔试,三道编程题,结果倒在第二题上,刷了两题半,没能 AK。

